Code of Ethics

KLRCET > Code of Ethics

Ethical Oversight Panel

Mandates of the Ethics Oversight Panel:

1.  Evaluation of Research Proposals: The Ethics Oversight Panel meticulously assesses all research proposals submitted.

2. Ongoing Research Evaluation: The panel conducts regular and systematic evaluations of research projects throughout their duration.

3. Addressing Plagiarism and Guideline Formation: The panel is entrusted with the task of identifying instances of plagiarism and formulating comprehensive guidelines to address this concern.

4. Safeguarding Human Rights and Dignity: When research involves human participants, the Ethics Oversight Panel ensures the protection of their rights, safety, and dignity.

Code of Ethics

Code of Ethical Conduct: The institution adheres to a steadfast code of ethical conduct for research and publication, detailed as follows:

Authorship Integrity: Individuals designated as authors or co-authors are held accountable for their contributions, encompassing manuscript preparation and editorial compilation. Presenting others’ work as one’s own, either wholly or partially, is strictly prohibited. Additionally, distorting research data or appropriating others’ data for personal use is deemed unethical.

Plagiarism Prevention: Incorporating information from external sources in one’s research necessitates proper attribution; failure to do so constitutes intellectual theft, commonly known as plagiarism. References should be adequately cited, explicitly mentioning authors, articles, publication volumes, pages, and relevant literary sources.
Accountability to Funding Entities: Research proposals submitted to funding bodies must not speculate about survey or experiment outcomes prior to their actual implementation. Principal investigators are responsible for sending regular and periodic progress reports to funding agencies. Financial statements are subject to regular audits.

Publication Integrity: No assertions can be made regarding the publication of a research paper until official correspondence is received from the publisher’s editor, confirming the article’s approval for publication. It is strictly prohibited to publish the same research article in multiple journals.